Seekers needed an online educational platform that connects mentors with students for teaching and learning. The platform aimed to provide seamless access to diverse courses while integrating comprehensive management features for users, content, and finances.
We developed a CRM and web application tailored to meet Seekers’ educational goals. The platform combines intuitive user interfaces with advanced management functionalities to create an efficient learning environment. Key features include:
- User Management: Handles roles, access levels, and types of users, ensuring streamlined administrative control.
- Content Management: Allows mentors and administrators to add, organize, and manage course content with ease.
- Financial Management: Analyzes course payments and facilitates revenue sharing and commission payments to mentors.
- User Profiles: Provides personalized profiles where users can track progress, manage class enrollments, and access their video content libraries.
- Class Listings: Displays an extensive list of available video classes organized by subject, topic, category, and mentor, helping students to browse and enroll effortlessly.